Have you ever thought about how much weight your decisions carry?
Truth is, it’s not just about YOU! Especially if you have a husband, children, sisters, brothers, friends, acquaintances, and neighbors—it’s NEVER just about you.
People are watching even when you don’t see them watching. Your children, relatives and friends look up to you and will mimic what you do.
So, have you ever thought about how much weight your decisions carry?
Our first Woman of Influence is Mother Eve—the first female created by God. You can decide for yourself if her influence was good, bad or ugly but one thing is for sure, her choice continues to plague us to this day.
Genesis 3:6 records this, “So when the woman saw that thetree was good for food, and that it was a delight to the eyes, and that the tree was to be desired to make one wise, she took of its fruit and ate, and she also gave some to her husband who was with her, and he ate.”
If you recall, God had pronounced the fruit as forbidden. It’s funny how we always want what we're told we can't have.
I often ask myself why in the world did God put something in the garden that He didn’t want them to have? As I've told ya’ll before, I'm not a Bible scholar. The best thing I can come up with is because God wanted them to be obedient—God was a stickler for obedience. If so, that’s a test that the First Lady failed.
Thousands of years later, God hasn't changed His mind. He's still a stickler for obedience—He demands it.
As a matter of fact, disobedience will always lead to devastating consequences, every single time.
So, what can we learn from the 1st First Lady?
Obey God
Resist the devil
Stop talking men into something they’ve already said was a bad idea