Have you ever heard the term, “Misery loves company.”? It’s true.
More often than not, people who have negative attitudes seek out others with similar mindsets—like birds of a feather they flock together.
If you want to learn more about who you really are—take a look at the people you associate with most often.
1 Corinthians 15:33 reminds us of this,
“Do not be deceived: “Evil company corrupts good habits.”
One method I use to discourage the nay say-ers, gossipers, and Negative Nancys is to say “Keep Praying”. Those whose intentions are flogged by destructive mindsets will be ready to end the conversation once you mention "prayer".
And the next time they want to share their awful attitudes, venomous vibes, and pessimistic perspectives I am usually not on their list of folks to call.
Take a long, hard look at the company you keep. Does your conversation include statements like, "Who does she think she is?"; "She's not all that!"; "Did you see her hair?"; "That outfit she had on was a mess"? or "That person will never ..... !"
If any of these sound familiar, your focus is on the negative more than the positive. And just in case you're honest enough to admit you're the Negative Nancy (or Instigator and Chief)—there is always opportunity to change for the better.
Here are a few tips that might help
- Be honest with you about "you"
- Ask God to forgive you for any indiscretions
- Make a decision to do better and be better
- Be the change you want to see
- Keep Praying