A Woman of Godly Influence (AWOGI)
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The Heart Thinks

· Food For Thought

Left unchecked, evil thoughts will penetrate the heart.

In many cases, our words are a direct correlation of that which lies within our hearts. While God is the only one who knows the intentions of the heart, it is possible to monitor and adjust our own thoughts and desires.

The Bible reminds us of this… But Jesus, knowing their thoughts, said, “Why do you think evil in your hearts? (Matthew 9:4)

In this scripture, Jesus questions the thoughts and intentions of the scribes. This reference indicate that we have the ability to monitor and adjust our thinking and intentions from that which is evil to that which is good.

Break the Linking to Stinking Thinking

Let’s begin by examining our thoughts and working to address thinking that doesn't  bring honor to God.

He, alone can shape and mold our hearts so that we will be able to accomplish all that He has called us to.

A Woman of Godly Influence (AWOGI)