A Woman of Godly Influence (AWOGI)
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The Worship Within

God's answer to Church Closure

· Sunday Special

Are the Church doors of your local assembly closed? God has an answer to church closures...The Worship Within. Simply stated, a  personal worship service. Think about it—the Church is not brick, mortar and pews. The Church is comprised of individual people.

Truth is, worship is not new. Worship is our opportunity to give God reverence and adoration—in my own words it means, "outward expressions that acknowledge who God is, what He has done and show Him and others how we feel about our God".

When we (Christians) enter into our local assembly, each one of us brings the Holy Spirit and participates in congregational worship—at least that's what should be happening. When we can't enter the physical church building, we must remember that We ARE The Church! And we don't have to be a Pastor, a Deacon, or a Choir Member to worship.

While we are thankful for today's technological advances that make online, TV broadcasts, Facebook and YouTube video clips of church services available, we must NEVER substitute those for personal worship.

So, what should our personal worship look like? As an old-school Baptist, I still believe in starting with a PROGRAMME (at least for starters). But, be it old school or new school, you too can create your own personal worship service with God.

Here are a few elements that I would like to suggest:

  • Opening Song (google options of your favorite Christian music)
  • Scripture Reading (Examples: Psalms 23; Proverbs 1; Ephesians 1:15-20; Ephesians 6:10-20)
  • Prayer (Conversations with God that should include the following):
    • Giving Honor and Glory to God
    • Thanking God for His Blessings
    • Acknowledgement of Personal Sin and Transgression
    • Asking God for Forgiveness (Repentance)
    • Other Prayer Requests (wisdom, guidance, protection, healing, etc.)
  • Walk in the Word/Scripture Meditation: ask God to provide insight and understanding of John 4:23-24 or the scripture of your choice (listen for what God has to say)
  • Song (google options for your favorite Christian music)
  • A Review of God's Plan for Salvation
  • Closing Song (google options for your favorite Christian music)
  • Benediction (The Closing Blessing)

While your personal worship services may not include all of these elements, please know that God seeks true worshippers and church walls are not a requirement. So, Worship Within.....

Challenge: Create your own personal worship service

A Woman of Godly Influence (AWOGI)