A Woman of Godly Influence (AWOGI)
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Transforming the Mind

Mind Right Monday

· Mind Right Monday

Surely, you’ve heard the term, “an idle mind is the devil’s workshop”. I’m not sure who said it, but this term expresses the thought that inactivity is a festering ground for evil. It also gives way to the principle that we have the power to control our thoughts.

The word transform is defined as a change in composition or structure; a change in the outward form or appearance of; change in character or condition; to convert.

In order to walk in our best self, we must change the character and condition of our thinking. Start with words—the words we say, the words we hear, and the words we read.

Reverend Billy Graham once said,

Your mind will believe what you tell it.

Feed it faith.

Feed it truth.

Feed it love.

When we feed our mind with positives, we create a positive energy that's infectious.

Starting today, let's pay more attention to our words. Let's change the composition of our thinking. Let's convert to words that build, encourage, and shed light. Positive words lead to positive thoughts. Positive thoughts lead to positive actions.


  • Speak words of faith
  • Speak words of truth
  • Speak words of affirmation
  • Trust God's power to transform

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A Woman of Godly Influence (AWOGI)