A Woman of Godly Influence (AWOGI)
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Up, Up and Away...

Transitioned to Trust

· Trust

When boarding an airplane to visit a faraway land, we never ask to see the pilot’s license or request a conversation with the aero-mechanic. Sight unseen, we confidently take our designated seat, follow the instructions of the stewardess, munch on the peanuts, drink the soda, and patiently await touchdown.

Basic understanding of the air travel business and past experience has taught us that trained, licensed pilots and well maintained aircraft result in safe travel. We trust that.

Truth is, trusting God is similar. Following His direction will get us to the destination that reeks of purpose and fulfillment.

Trust is not an automatic function. Its an act of the mind and the will that becomes second nature once we have been conditioned to do so. Knowledge and experience are conditioning elements. Otherwise, we tend to rely upon the devices of our own thinking and mind set.

Proverbs 3:5-6 reminds us of this,

Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths.

I am clueless when it comes to the rules of aerodynamics and how a plan weighing tons can fly. Regardless of how many books we read, how may classes we take, and how many degrees we get, there are many things in life we will never understand. God made it that way.

Goggle defines transition as the process of changing from one state to another. A life in Christ means that we should put away our old nature and way of thinking. It means we should rely upon a God we can't see. It means we must throw logic out of the window, because God is not logical. We must give ourselves over to God—body, mind, soul, and spirit.

As we consider this week's focus Transitioned to Trust, I encourage you to take the T to T test. Question yourself as it relates to your God-trust level. Then, transition yourself to trust God more.

Challenge: T to T Test

Read the following statement and consider your response:

My level of trust in God can best be defined as follows:

  • I trust God a little
  • I trust God a lot
  • I trust God completely
  • I am not sure
  • I don’t trust God at all

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A Woman of Godly Influence (AWOGI)