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Walk Worthy

July 14, 2020

How's your walk?

My first report card in 1st grade wasn't a favorable one. I remember the conversation with my father. Sitting me down in a chair, he began to explain, “You are a Rivers"—that’s our family last name. “Whenever you leave this house, you represent me and this family. Your conduct, your work, your attitude—they all reflect me. So, make sure that you get Es and Gs.”

In those days, our school work was reported based on the following scale: E for Excellent, G for Good, S for Satisfactory, and F for Failure. In my father’s words an S or an F was out of the question. His expectation for me was Es and Gs. I heard that speech over and over every semester from 1st grade through high school.

The Apostle’s words of encouragement in Ephesians 4:1 reminds me of my father.

I, therefore, the prisoner of the Lord, beseech you to walk worthy of the calling with which you were called…

Our walk is more than a mode of transportation from point A to point B. It’s a journey, a lifestyle, a compilation of our actions and our attitudes.

Though I didn’t know it at the time, my father had established a standard of measure to which he expected me to live up to—that’s biblical! Paul’s plea for us to walk worthy is another example that challenges us to live up to God’s standard.

As Christians, we must evaluate our motives and our methods, not to meet the standards of man but God. After all, we are a holy nation, a royal priesthood, a peculiar people—purposed to walk in God’s plan, destined for greatness.


  • Seek to live by God’s standard, not man’s
  • Commit to Es (Excellent) and Gs (Good)
  • Live life to the glory of God

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