Prayer is powerful. Sincere, fervent, prayer is powerful.
I’m not talking about the list of to-do’s we present to God demanding that He meet our wants and wishes. I’m talking about seeking the face of God in an effort to understand His perfect will. I’m talking about a "for real"—"for real" desire to walk on purpose. I’m talking about a committed relationship with God that has the ability to change your mind and re-align your decisions.
Prayer is powerful. Genuine, heartfelt prayer has the ability to change the dimension and direction of your life.
Esther 4:15-16 says this, Then Esther told them to reply to Mordecai: “Go, gather all the Jews who are present in Shushan, and fast for me; neither eat nor drink for three days, night or day. My maids and I will fast likewise. And so I will go to the king, which is against the law; and if I perish, I perish!”
In Bible days, fasting was always accompanied with fervent prayer. Queen Esther’s direction to her uncle (Mordecai) included praying and fasting for her. For three days the people, Queen Esther, and her maids prayed and fasted.
As a result, Queen Esther gained God’s wisdom and the King’s favor. By divine intervention, her strategy saved God’s people (including herself) from certain death.
When Women Pray...
When women pray, conditions change—God delivers wisdom in the form of plans and platforms; favor in the form of access and accessibility; revelation in the form of discernment and disclosure.
When women pray, God enables us to influence those around us from a perspective that unleashes the power of God’s Holy Spirit to touch hearts and change lives. When women pray…
Seek God’s face—not merely His hand. Instead of asking God for material things, try asking God for a desire to do what pleases Him; wisdom to accomplish His will; and strength to step outside of fear and step into His purpose.
Women are praying….
Today, women are praying for you. Women are praying that God holds back the advances of the enemy long enough for you to make a conscious decision to walk in His ways. Women are praying that you are reminded to meditate on, and fill your spirit with messages that build you up. Women are praying that you walk in victory.
Women are also praying that God impresses upon your heart a desire to join us as Sisters Inspire Sisters to walk in God's plan and purpose for their lives at this year's AWOGI Conference. Women are praying!
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