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When you get what you ask for...

April 26, 2024

Sarai’s plan had come full circle. She thought she had the answer. She thought she could resolve her own problem from her own perspective. She thought she could take matters into her own hands by moving ahead of God.

Genesis 16:4 So, he went in to Hagar, and sheconceived. And when she saw that she had conceived, her mistress became despised in her eyes.

We are no different. Often times we too, move ahead of God. Thinking that we have the answer, we put into motion the plans of our feeble minds. Even when our motives are right, our foresight is no match for God’s.

Let things play out God’s way. Wait on Him to establish and develop the purpose according to His pleasure.

It’s not easy to deny our conscious and subconscious thought process and yield it to the will of God. We must abstain and free ourselves from the desires to fix it.

Sarai’s example teaches us that when she leaned to her own understand, her situation became even more dire. The Real Housewives have nothing on the drama that plagued her household at her own hand.

While I'm grateful for God’s forgiveness and grace, we must learn to develop a personal relationship God that allows us to be close enough to Him to understand when He says go, and when we should stop.

Her Life My Example: Sarai