A Woman of Godly Influence (AWOGI)
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Wise...Not Weary

Abigail: Master the Approach

· Life After Corona

Most of us regard wisdom as knowing what to do or say and when to do it or say it. Truth is, even when we have the appropriate answers the approach is paramount.

Today’s inspiration comes from 1 Samuel chapter 25, which is an account of how Abigail saved her entire household from bloodshed due to the actions of her rich, but foolish husband, Nabal.

David and his men were abiding in the fields near Nabal’s cattle and servants, often times protected them from harm. David sent word to Nabal, politely seeking provisions for his men. Not only did Nabal refuse, but he was very rude. David was so angry that he vowed to kill Nabal and his entire household. One of Nabal’s servants told the entire story to Abigail.

The Bible says that Abigail was "a woman of good understand and very beautiful". She sprung into action. Preparing hundreds of pounds of bread, fruit, grain, and meat she traveled to meet David, hoping to intercept the bloodbath. As David approached, Abigail bowed before him begging that he excuse the actions of her husband, presenting the provisions as a peace offering, and proclaiming that David would victorious in plight against Saul and his future battles.

David’s response: 1 Samuel 25:32-33

“Blessed is the Lord God of Israel, who sent you this day to meet me! And blessed is your advice and blessed are you, because you have kept me this day from coming to bloodshed and from avenging myself with my own hand.

It worked! No doubt David was impressed with how she handled the situation and her beauty. He gratefully received the provision and heeded to Abigail’s words. A lack of wisdom, understand, and a proper approach would've been dreadful. Her careful management of the situation saved her entire household from death. I urge you to read the entire story for the interesting conclusion.

What can we learn from Abigail?

Abigail could've easily become weary and disillusioned regarding the situation her husband had put her and the family in (I'd bet she was used to that). Instead, she approached the situation with wisdom. It’s easy to become frustrated when we are impacted by unwise decisions (be it the result of our own or of others). Likewise disillusionment can seep in due to the unexpected or with things don’t work out as planned. It is especially during those times that a cooler head must prevail.

Ultimately, true wisdom comes from God. The Bible tells us that if we lack wisdom, we should ask God for it. As a practice, we must learn to seek God's perspective and respond based upon His direction and within the confines of His timing. And don't forget to pray about the approachit's likely different than you think.


  • Read the entire story 1 Samuel 25
  • Be sure to consider your approach
  • Click Wisdom to view meditation scriptures on this topic

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A Woman of Godly Influence (AWOGI)