Have you ever wondered why we have two ears and only one mouth? When we find ourselves in difficult situations and circumstances we must be quick to hear….
James 1:19-20 reminds us of this,
So then, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath; for the wrath of man does not produce the righteousness of God.
Though some allude that Christians should not experience difficult times, the entire chapter 1 James gives insight that acknowledges the reality of trials in the Christian life.
James also reminds us of the trials’ profit , how we should approach God during those times, as well as the qualities needed to endure them.
The very first quality needed to profit from and see God’s perspective during our difficulties is to be quick to hear. Then, we must be slow to give your opinion and slow to acting out in rage (which in most cases will not be needed at all).
Hearing implies that we attempt to understand and even when we don’t understand, we must be care not to jump to conclusions or jump to action.
Hearing implies that we will look to God for direction and how to proceed first—before taking matters into our own hands.
Be quicker than that!
Listen to God. Look to God. Yield to God.