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A Legacy of Faith

May 13, 2023

When I think Mother's Day, I think of legacy—a legacy of faith.

I've had the awesome pleasure of being raised by women who were grounded in faith; women who believed God; and women who trusted in God's words. 

Today, I take a moment to thank God and remember my grandmother (Denetter Felton Herring Walker) and my mother (Paulanner Herring Reed Rivers).

By God's grace, He allowed them to pour into me and leave behind a foundation based upon  God the Father, the gospel of Jesus Christ, and the sweet communion of the Holy Spirit.

Today, I take a moment to thank God and ask for His wisdom to see things from His perspective and walk in my greatest potential in Christ Jesus as a person and as a mother.

By God's grace I ask Him to pour into me the same spirit that He has deposited into my mother and grandmother.

As long as my face embraces the dawning of each day, I aim to pass along the same legacy to my children and grandchildren.

Today, I take a moment to thank my daughters who strive to walk in the shoes of Motherhood.  I pray that you would always look to God for strength, power, and might. I pray that you would continue to demonstrate motherly attributes that are also ground in faith. 

I pray that you continue our Legacy of Faith!