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A Time to Mourn

November 30, 2023

Life brings experiences. Choose what to do with them.

While most of us enjoy the company of family and friends during the holiday season, there are many who mourn a vacant seat.

When the memory of a loved one haunts the heart and the mind of those left behind, thankfulness is problematic. The loss of a relationship, job, or a new normal can also trigger tiny signs of sorrow.

Matthew 5:4 reminds us of this, “Blessed are those who mourn, For they shall be comforted.

Be encouraged. God has blessings for those who mourn. Comfort....

Give yourself time to mourn. Acknowledge the lost. Honor the life. Decorate the vacant seat with memories of the dearly departed.

Do not mourn without hope. Remember the very best character traits of the loved one who has gone before and live a life that emulates their greatest qualities. Consider the best parts of the previous experience and decide which pieces can be implemented into your new normal.

Receive God's Comfort

We will never understand life’s choices. The Bible declares that God has a purpose and a plan for each of us. True manifestation is determined by how we choose to handle life's experiences.

Choose to be thankful for the time we've had to share with departed loved ones and the impact they've made upon our lives. Decide to be grateful for experiences that have shaped our lives and aim to be better because of them.

Life gives us experiences. Loss is an essential part of life. We must allow ourselves to experience God's comfort and live our best life in the midst of every loss. God's true purpose is dependent upon what and how we choose.