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April Showers...

April 13, 2023

Over the past few days weather in my area has been pretty gloomy—cloudy and threats of rain. The weather reminded me of the saying, April showers bring May flowers.

True to life, this old adage reminds us that even in the darkest of days, the sun will shine again.

Rain is intended to bring nourishment that initiates growth, but one perspective sees it as inconvenient. Likewise, adversity is intended to develop strength and build character, but another perspective sees it as uncessary.

Psalms 30:5 says this, “weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning”.

The Bible reminds us that everyone faces adversity and and times of trouble. Filled with hope, our thoughts should always be guided towards a brighter day.

Seasons come and go. Through it all we encounter situations designed to teach life lessons. Past seasons provide reference and reminders we can benefit from. Our memory is a powerful reference tool of past seasons and our perspective regarding them.

My sister always says, “God gave us a memory for a reason, but we use it the wrong way. We remember things we should forget and forget what we should remember”.

As we remember previous experiences (rain or shine) we must learn to look to the brighter side; focus on that which brings and gives life; and make decisions that lead us to purposeful objectives.

When rain comes remember that it will be followed by something better—flowers, strength—all beautiful in its time.

Remember the rain—enjoy it. And look forward to flowers, coming soon near you.

April showers, bring May flowers.