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Babies and Daddies....

June 17, 2020

As a mother, the birth of my first child was very special. And I will admit that the same was true for my husband.

As mothers, we must celebrate and pray for the fathers of our children—husbands, fiancés, baby-daddies (present or ex). Please know that this includes blended family structures.

Our children’s opinion of their father is first formed through our eyes. Regardless of the present situation and relationship, you once thought enough of that man to become intimately involved. So, respect him enough to shape your child’s view based on the feelings you had then (if not now).

Pray for the father of your child(ren). Pray for their welfare and that they'd seek God’s perspective in all they do. Truth is, your child’s relationship with their father will have a tremendous impact on his/her life. Always stand on the side of mending fences and not tearing them down.

The Bible gives great insight and guidance
Children’s children are the crown of old men, And the glory of children is their father. Proverbs 17:6

To The Father of My Children

We will always share in this special one,

Mom and Dad to our daughter or son.

A wonderful blessing bestowed upon you

So, graciously given to bless me too.

While I thanked God right from the start

I also thank you for being apart.

I pray that you prosper, be kind and a friend;

And walk in God’s will until the end.


  • Maintain a health respect for your children's father
  • Encourage your children to honor their father
  • Pray for the father of your children