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Be Proactive

Lay aside every weight

September 3, 2020

Go All In...

Often times, I am reactive—I respond to what's happened after the fact. But it’s time for a change. It's time to become proactive—to impact the outcome of a situation by causing something to happen rather than responding after the fact.

Hebrews 12:1-3 encourages me to do just that. The phrases lay aside every weight and sin; run this race; and look to Jesus—all speak to proactive moves that position me to impact the outcome rather than becoming the powerless victim of my own selfish desires and the devil’s tempting tactics.

Lay aside means to let go of; denounce; stop focusing on; walk away from

  • Weights apply to a negative thought life and perverted thinking process.  Corrupt thinking has the capacity to pull me down like a ton of bricks causing me to become what I think. In order to win, I must control my thought life and let go of the weight of any and all vile imaginations.
  • Sin is disobedience to God.  Simply put, when my actions are contrary to God’s commands I sin.   But I have the power to control the situation by walking away from sin. It won't be easy, but through the power of the Holy Spirit I can let go of sinful and obey God.
  •  Run the race refers to the daily experiences of life.  From childhood to adulthood each leg of this journey is filled with lessons and opportunities that have the capacity to propel me toward greatness. I have the ability to control my destiny by learning from the bad and taking advantage of the good.

Looking to Jesus helps me to keep my eyes on the prize. His example reminds me that there is something more important than what I see and how I feel—eternal life is at stake. Through Jesus Christ, God has provided me with a dependable source of strength. Through Him, I am encouraged to live right and finish well.

Being proactive, doesn’t mean I’ll be perfect or that everything will always go right. But it does mean that I've decided to "Go All In”. It means that I'll take responsibility for my unwise decisions, take the necessary steps to change my ways, and aim to live a life that pleases God—Hence, Sweet Victory!

Challenge: Go All In

  • Admit your own faults and seek help to overcome them
  • Accept that God is in control and surrender to His commands
  • Acknowledge the realities of the devil’s tactics and resist his enticing gestures

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