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Believe Dat!

January 18, 2023


A good coach provides instruction, education, resources and motivation. A great coach consistently demonstrates love which builds trust that ensures others of their boundless support.

In its own way each action lays a foundation that strengthens relationships and instills confidence—the confidence needed to win.

In addition to knowledge and skill confidence is a major attribute of a winner. Some might say confidence plays a more signficant role than any other characteristic.

Romans 8:37 reminds us of this, “Yet in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us.”

Over and over, the Bible reminds us that winners—win. With God on our side we already have the victory. Regardless of the circumstances, know that God (our Creator and Coach) is the majority all by Himself.

Put your cofidence in God and believe what He says. Prepare yourself by reading, meditating on and studying the Word of God. Arm yourself with prayer. Practice obedience. Look to Jesus' example of sacrifice, dedication, and a willinesss to go all in.

Winners...Win. Believe Dat!

You are created to win—Believe Dat! 

You were shaped to soar—Believe Dat!

You were fashioned to be victorious —Believe Dat!

You were designed to be a conqueror—Believe Dat!

You were formed to walk in greatness—Believe Dat!

When you walk with God, you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you—Believe Dat!