May 27, 2021

Does the Spirit of God Still Speak?

Most of us have heard the story of Moses. He was born during a time when the Israelites were multiplying exponentially. Because of their increase in number, Pharaoh invoked a mandatory death sentence on all male babies in an effort to control the population.

But Moses’ mother saw something different for her son. Believing that there was something special about her baby, she hid him from the mid-wives and officials. Once she couldn’t hide him any longer she built a basket for him and put him in the crocodile invested Nile River hoping Pharaoh’s daughter would find him.  Read the story of Moses birth in Exodus 2:1-6 to find out more.

Each and every action taken in this miraculous story happen by divine intervention. Nothing was coincendental. Surly God’s plan was at work and His spirit spoke to the hearts of Moses’ mother and Pharaoh’s daughter. Because of their obedience many of God’s miracles were performed in the life of Moses.

Does God’s Spirit Still Speak Today? YES, HE DOES....

Even today, God continues to speak to the hearts of men and women. When we are obedient, His plan is performed and blessings flow in and through our lives impacting others.

God's Spirit Still Speaks. We need big LISTEN.