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Don't Quit

The Transformation to Trust

August 28, 2020

Don’t Quit!

Even when things don’t look like what you think it should, don’t quit.

Trust is blind, has no predisposed elements or conditions, and requires that we let go of our inhibitions while grabbing hold of the unseen.

Don’t quit…Go for it...Trust God!

Psalms 22:4 provides insight on our spiritual forefathers who trusted in God,

Our fathers trusted in You;

they trusted, and You delivered them.

We learn not only by our own experiences, but also by the experiences of others. Over and over again, scripture reminds us that God loves us unconditionally, He's proven Himself strong, He always keeps His promises, and His tendencies lean towards the provisional care of His children.

Trust God to guide you through the tough times and lead you toward victory. When it comes to the unknown, realize that this puts you in the same boat as everyone else—none of us knows what tomorrow will bring. But God is never surprised by the future.

When we are impatient, He uses time as a tool to shape and mold our confidence. When we are anxious, He uses situations to draw us closer to Him. When we are scared, His word reminds us of His unfailing faithfulness.

So, don't quit!

Reach out your hand and grab hold of God’s—He will never change.


  • Read your Bible
  • Remember God's Promises
  • Rely upon His Faithfulness

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