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to Forgive

September 17, 2020

I am grateful for God’s forgiveness.


A sincere request for forgiveness includes pure motive and deliberate intention not to make the same mistake. When God pardons our sins He forgets them and doesn’t hold them against us.

Matthew chapter 6 includes what many consider to be the Model Prayer. It doesn’t mean that our prayers should always say those words. It means we should reflect the exact same sentiment as we communicate with God.

When it comes to forgiveness the verses reminds us of this,

forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors.

This verse makes one thing very clear, our request for God’s forgiveness must be reciprocated.

No implication—this is an open request. We’re asking God to forgive our sins as we forgive the sins of others.

We must understand that our forgiveness is based upon our willingness and ability to sincerely forgive those who have treated us badly.

While forgiveness doesn't mean we allow ourselves to be door mats, it does imply that we seek God’s insight discerning the hearts of others.

A sincere request for forgiveness MUST include pure motives and deliberate intentions not to make the same mistake. Otherwise, be prepared to walk away.

Challenge: Be prepared to forgive others before you ask God for forgiveness

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