As a new grandmother, I can see how we have the ability to make a very special impression on the lives of our grandchildren.
I’ve been told that grandparents have much more patience and leniency with their grandchildren than they did with their own children. Yes, the same is true for me.
This puts me in a position to shed love and light in a way that's different from their parents.
This reminds me of the Bible reference of two letters of encouragement written to Timothy by the Apostle Paul. It seems that Paul know Timothy and his family quite well and says this…
“…when I call to remembrance the genuine faith that is in you, which dwelt first in your grandmother Lois and your mother Eunice, and I am persuaded is in you also.”2 Timothy 1:5
In this verse, Paul mentions the biblical learning, Godly teaching, and spiritual impression made upon Timothy because of his grandmother and mother. That is an awesome testament to his grandmother.
To those of you who had Christian examples and lessons from your grandmother, Praise The Lord! And continue to walk according to the lessons she taught.
To those of you who may not have had such biblical examples from your mother or grandmother, I encourage you to BE the change you want to SEE.
Set the example of Christ-likeness in the lives of your grandchildren.
Walk the Line....Make sure that your attitude, articulation, and your actions line up with Christ.