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Pray For Them

Hannah: Samuel's Mother

May 11, 2023

Today, too many parents ask their children if they want to go to church.... I my day that was unheard of!

Stop asking your children what they want! Cake or cookies... McDonald's or Burger King... maybe I can go along with those, but some things are non-negotiable and church is one!

God created us to worship Him. When we commit ourselves to God and dedicate time to commune with Him (through prayer), then and only then, will we begin to experience all that God has to offer. Honest, sincere and fervent prayer reach the throne of God.

In I Samuel Chapter 1, Hannah’s request epitomizes the prayer of desperation–a barren woman longing to experience motherhood. But something was different.

Hannah’s prayer was heard and her request granted because she sought God’s best, expected His best and aimed to present to God what already belonged to Him…her son.

I have an older sister who for years has voiced the sentiments of Hannah. Countless times she has emphatically instructed us to, “Stop treating those children as if they belong to you! They belong to the Lord.”

Filled with a heart’s desire to protect and nurture, prayers for our children should always include a willingness to prepare them to be used in God’s service.

Just as Hannah had promised, she delivered young Samuel to the service of the Lord before he was old enough to have an opinion about it. She didn't ask him what he wanted.

In the truest sense of sacrifice Hannah’s desire was to present God with the gift of life from on own body. Yes, she longed for a child and with the same sincerity returned to God what already belonged to Him.

Remember this, our children learn and grow in the ways of God as they experience our worship practices and adherence to the principles of God. Our daily activities speak volumes and plant seeds of faith and sacrifice into their hearts and minds.


  • Choose to raise children and know and fear God
  • Live a life that exemplifies service to God
  • Be willing to give God your best
  • Know that accepting God's best may require giving up what you love most