Does pressure cause you to flee?
Genesis 16: 6 records Sarai’s actions against Hagar and Hagar’s response. So, Abram said to Sarai, “Indeed your maid is in your hand; do to her as you please.” And when Sarai dealt harshly with her, she fled from her presence.
Two wrongs don't make a right. Most would say, Hagar's disrespect provoked Sarai—I think it did. The way I see it, Hagar had been placed in a peculiar predicament. Maybe Sarai opened the door to turmoil when she suggested that her husband take Hagar and bear a child—I think she did.
If we're honest, sometimes our decisions plant seeds of disruption. I wonder if Sarai’s treatment of Hagar was because she regretted her decision—I think it was. Either way, I feel kind of sorry for Hagar. She hadn’t asked for this. She ran away.
When others mistreat us, running away might seem to be the only answer. In this case, God had something else in mind. No doubt the pregnant Hagar was stressed, exhausted, and scared. God met her exactly where she was.
Near a spring of water in the wilderness, the Angel of the Lord spoke to Hagar telling her to return to Abram and Sarai. There she would receive her blessing.
It’s funny how Hagar was directed back to a place of pain in order to receive her blessing. She was commanded to yield to Sarai’s direction (and stop looking down on her). Hagar obeyed.
Reflection: Do you need to go back to the point of you pain to address some things? Was the pain your received due to inappropriate behaviors on your end?
Regardless of what we think or how we feel about it, God’s way is always best. Consequences are sure to arise whenever we deviate from God’s plan, but He never goes back on His promises.
God is always ready to meet us wherever we are (even in the wilderness). Like a refreshing stream, He leads us to where we need to be. Blessings are sure to follow obedience.
Her Life My Example: Hagar