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Walk in Unity

July 16, 2020

I grew up in a large family of ten children—nine girls. Each of us has different personalities and characteristics. Truth is, there has always been lots of drama between us. My mother reminded us often to be nice to each other and to treat each other with respect.

We didn’t always agree, but mom required that we come to the table and talk about those disagreements, differences, any questions or concerns. She demanded that we demonstrate patience, kindness, and always seek the best in and from each other.

Goggle defines unity as coming together for a common purpose or action.

When we consider walking in unity a couple things that come to my mind are trust and forgiveness. With that in mind, we must be honest with ourselves and admit that we are all flawed individuals who need of one another.

Before we can walk in unity, we must realize that each of us is flawed in one way or another. And that we must rely on a higher power and standard to get the job done. So, how do we come together for a common purpose while flawed?

Ephesians 4: 2b-4 says,

bearing with one another in love, endeavoring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.

One factor is the purpose—we must remember that God has the perfect plan and that should be our aim and focus of our intention. He is that higher power to which we must set the ultimate standard. This fact should force us to look inward, be willing to admit our faults and be willing to make the needed adjustments.

Secondly, we must be willing to see others just as we are—in need of grace and the same forgiveness. Peace does not equal smooth sailing or lack of disturbance. Peace is our ability to be civil in the mist of disturbance and to cultivate an environment that promotes love and honest discussion.

Regardless of how we cross paths, family, friend or foe, we all need each other. Each of us brings something to the table that is beneficial. Let’s look beyond our own needs and wants and work towards amicable means that support and demonstrate peace.


  • Look to God as the ultimate authority
  • Promote peace
  • Recognize the contributions of others

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