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Wash and Pray... Keep Stress Away

Managing my stress

March 30, 2020

Clinicians say we should wash our hands for 20 seconds. They also say we should wash them every twenty minutes. I don't know about you, but that's a lot of washing and a lot of time spent washing. Think about it...20 seconds, every twenty minutes is 1 minute every hour... If we do this for 12 hours a day, that is at least 12 minutes a day.

Like most of you, I'm working very hard to make washing my hands a priority during this time. So, instead of becoming stressed out about washing my hands so much, I've been trying to make good use of this time. 

While washing my hands I've started to pray for the twenty seconds instead of singing the Happy Birthday song three times. Every time I wash my hands, I pray for something different. Since I've been doing this consistently, I've noticed that my stress level has decreased significantly.

Challenge: Pray every time you wash your hands.

Here are a few tips of things you can pray for:

  • Adherence to Stay at Home Order
  • Health and safety of friends and loved ones
  • Family members of those who have passed away due to COVID-19
  • Doctors, Nurses and those working on the front line
  • Government Officials: Mayors, Governors and the President
  • Life after COVID-19 (What changes will I make?)

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