Please don’t get offended. Truth is…. all of us have at least one issue!
It could be an attitude issue. It could be a selfishness issue. It could be a pride issue. Our issue could be physical, mental, financial, marital or with another person. Our issue could even be with God....ALL of us have a sin issue!
“And suddenly, a woman who had a flow of blood for twelve years came from behind and touched the hem of His garment.” (Matthew 9:20)
This week’s Food for Thought is about a woman who had an issue of blood for twelve years. That's a long time! As a woman, it can sometimes be challenging to experience a menstrual flow for a few days. I can't image twelve years.
According to the Bible, this unnamed woman had given a lot of money to physicians, but they were unable to cure her. Then, she came to Jesus.
For most of us, it is very easy to point out flaws, negative character traits, and even behaviors that could be symptoms of possible medical concerns in others. But seeing or admitting to similar issues in ourselves is sometimes difficult.
According to most 12-Step programs, the first step towards recovery is admitting that you have a problem. So, I’ll ask the question again. What’s your issue? Jesus can help.
- Take a long hard look at the woman in the mirror
- Examine your own body, behaviors, character traits, and flaws
- Ask somebody if they notice anything out of order
- Be honest with yourself about yourself
- Find Jesus
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