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Be Determined...

April 18, 2023

Don’t give up. Don’t give in. Don’t give out. Be Determined…

Purpose is woven into the fabric of your very being. God has unleashed His blessings upon you and the devil in hell can't stop it, but he can distract you. Be Determined…

The Bible declares that “…all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose Romans 8”28.

Regardless of your past and in spite of your present press onward. Be Determined…

God has already given you all the resources you need to be victorious. Keep your eye on the prize and your hands steady to perform the task. Be Dertermined…

There are people who need everything you have to offer. Be Determined…

The load will sometimes be heavy, so look to God to carry you through. Seek His strength and power to continue. He has promised to supply every need. Be Determined…

You are capable of great things. Be Determined…

Walk in your greatest potential in Christ Jesus. Stand tall and prepare yourself to do the things God has called you to. Seek His wisdom, guidance, and direction.

Be Determined.