January 17, 2020
2020 is The Year of The Queen!
She must clearly define the rules and desires of her Queendom..!
In order to grow, you must know what feeds your soul. You must have clarity. Goggle defines clarity as clearness; the quality of certain or definite.
To have clarity is to have a clear vision of what you want, what you need, and a clear understanding of how to obtain your expectations.
The minute you become transparent (clear) with God is the moment He’ll begin to open closed doors.
Once you see your vision with clarity, the universe will start to perfectly align you with every thing and every one you need.
- You must be honest with yourself about what truly makes you happy
- You must talk to God and ask Him if what you want and what He has for your life aligns
- Once God gives you the Okay, you must work on your Vision everyday
"Where your attention goes...your planted seed grows"
Contributor: Networking with Queen$: Candy Mathieu